Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Introduction: Everything in our world has vocabulary, included the different movements of our body. Synovial joint has also been thrown in there because it is going to be talked about coming up in the muscle sections! All pictures in this section were found at http://content.answers.com.

*Synovial Joint: a joint having a cavity filled with synovial fluid, a lubricant for the joint

Refer to the image below.
Refer to the image below for the rest of the vocabulary section. Not included in the image is the rotation movement. That will be found after the definitions.

*Flexion: joint angle decreases; curling forearm up

*Extension: joint angle increases; uncurling forearm

*Adduction: body part moves toward midline of body; pulling arm into body

*Abduction: body part moves away from midline of body; swinging arm out from body

*Rotation: Body part moves around its own axis; twisting the arm around

*Circumduction: Body part moves so that a cone shape is outlined; circling arm

*Inversion: Sole of foot turns inward; bottom of foot points at other foot

*Eversion: Sole of foot turns outward; bottom of foot faces away from other foot

Conclusion: When going through these terms, I found myself testing out each of the actions. It helped me to remember them, so it might help you as well. Don't forget to look at the pictures! Next, we are going to see what other parts contribute to our ability to make these movements!

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